Individual Application Form
Section 1
Introducer / Broker Details
Contact Details
Contact details
Section 2
About You
Section 3
About your home & mortgage
Section 4
Bank account details
Section 5
Job & income
Section 6
Personal credit profile
Section 7
Assets & liabilities statement
Assests / Equities / Investments (£)
Personal effects / other assets
(e.g. personal belongings of value, jewellery, furniture, stamp collection, vehicles, etc.)
Other liabilities
(e.g. Directors loan(s) or any other liabilities)
Property Assets & Liabilities
Section 8
Loan details
Property details
Section 9
Professional advisors / Solicitor details
Section 10
Additional supporting documents
Section 11
Additional Information
Section 12
Declaration & Consent
I/We confirm that all the information I/we have given to Unity Fonds, both within this application form and by any other means, including verbally, is true and accurate to the best of my/our knowledge.
If there are any subsequent changes to any of the information, either before or after the loan is completed, I/we will inform Unity Fonds immediately.
I/We acknowledge that Unity Fonds will process my/our personal data in accordance with the Data Protection Act 2018. I/We have read the company’s Customer Privacy Notice providing me/us with information about how my/our data is processed and my/our rights in this regard.
I/We authorise Unity Fonds or any associated third parties to make any necessary searches or enquiries when assessing my/our application. This includes, but is not limited to, review of identification documents, such as passport or driving licence, proof of residence, and financial records. I/We agree to such searches also being carried out electronically via anti-money laundering software platforms. Unity Fonds may check my/our data supplied by credit reference agencies and fraud prevention agencies.
I/we acknowledge that Unity Fonds is supervised by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) for anti-money laundering only. Unity Fonds is NOT authorised by the FCA and its activities do not fall within the provisions of the Consumer Credit Act 1974 (as amended). I/We understand therefore that no loan provided by Unity Fonds will be regulated either by the FCA or any other regulatory authority. Furthermore, the Financial Ombudsman Service will not be able to settle a dispute with Unity Fonds and the Financial Services Compensation Scheme will not be able to consider a claim against Unity Fonds if it fails.
I am/we are aware that if I/we give false or inaccurate information and Unity Fonds suspects fraud, it will record and report this. I/we understand that credit reference agencies and fraud prevention agencies will share information and also report suspected fraudulent activity to the relevant authorities.
I/We give consent for Unity Fonds and their solicitors to apply to the Land Registry / Land Charges Registry for a search of the index of personal names in Land Registry form PN1.
I/We acknowledge that in the event a loan provided by Unity Fonds is secured against residential property I/we will NOT be permitted to reside in the property at any time now or in the future. I/we further acknowledge that this exclusion is extended to any Connected Person of mine/ours. This includes a spouse, parent, brother, sister, child, grandparent or grandchild, or any other person whose relationship with me/us has the characteristics of the relationship between husband and wife.
For joint/multiple applicants, we understand that all parties are both jointly and severally liable for all obligations set out in the application form.
From time to time, Unity Fonds wish to contact you about products or services which it believes may be appropriate for you.
Please confirm your marketing preferences below
Please indicate below how you would prefer to be contacted. Tick all that apply.
To submit application:*
Unity Fonds, Company Registration No: 10078955 - Registered Office: 21 Daylesford Crescent Cheadle Cheshire SK8 1LQ